Overcoming the Last Mile Problem: Making GenAI Work for Your Team

Generative AI (GenAI) promises transformative changes in the workplace. However, many businesses hit a roadblock with what is known as the "Last Mile Problem." This challenge arises when GenAI outputs become too generic and less effective as task complexity grows. In this blog, we'll delve into why this happens and provide strategies to help your team overcome these obstacles.

Understanding the Last Mile Problem

The Last Mile Problem in GenAI emerges when users interact with GenAI tools and realize that the AI cannot fully accomplish complex tasks, often producing outputs that lack specificity. Initially, users may receive some useful ideas and insights, but as the tasks require deeper contextual understanding and more nuanced knowledge, the content starts to feel too general and inadequate. This stage highlights the limitations of GenAI in handling complex, context-specific tasks without human intervention.

Why Does This Happen?

  1. Lack of Context: GenAI models often lack the specific context needed to tailor outputs to particular tasks or industries. Without this context, the AI generates outputs that are too broad or general.

  2. Insufficient Tacit Knowledge: A significant portion of essential knowledge is not documented and resides in the minds of experienced employees. This knowledge is challenging for AI to access and utilize effectively unless it is explicitly communicated by the user.

  3. Limited Adaptability: As tasks become more complex, GenAI struggles to adapt without human input and refinement. GenAI requires human intervention to provide the nuanced understanding necessary for specific tasks.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect and GenAI

Understanding the Dunning-Kruger Effect can help explain some of the challenges in GenAI adoption. This cognitive bias leads individuals with limited expertise in a domain to overestimate their competence. In the context of GenAI, it means that initial successes can lead to overconfidence in AI's capabilities, followed by a sharp realization of its limitations as tasks become more complex. Notably, 3 out of 4 users quit when AI outputs start getting generic and unsatisfying (see “Damn” moment in image below).

Source HFS Research

Real-Life Impacts

In many companies, the Last Mile Problem leads to significant employee frustration and decreased productivity. Teams often have to redo work or spend extra time manually refining AI outputs. This inefficiency not only erodes trust in AI tools but also slows down overall adoption rates, making it harder for organizations to fully leverage the potential of GenAI.

Strategies to Overcome the Last Mile Problem

  1. Integrate Human Expertise: Involve human experts at crucial stages of the AI workflow to provide the necessary context and refine AI outputs.

  2. Capture Tacit Knowledge: Develop systems to extract and document the tacit knowledge held by experienced employees. Integrating this knowledge into AI models can significantly enhance their effectiveness.

  3. Continuous Feedback Loops: Implement feedback mechanisms where employees can provide input on AI outputs, ensuring that the AI remains aligned with the organization's needs.

Adding Humans in the Loop at the Right Time

Incorporating human expertise at critical points in the workflow is key to overcoming the Last Mile Problem. When GenAI starts producing generalized outcomes, human intervention can provide specific, context-rich inputs, ensuring higher-quality results. This collaborative approach leverages the valuable insights of human experts, effectively bridging the gap between generic and highly relevant outputs. By adding humans in the loop at the right time, businesses can enhance the precision and applicability of GenAI, leading to more effective and reliable outcomes.

AI-Generated Image by the 100mentors Team

The Role of Wiserwork

At 100mentors & Wiserwork, we recognize the significant challenges posed by the Last Mile Problem in GenAI adoption. Our philosophy centers on integrating human expertise with GenAI capabilities to provide the necessary context and refinement. By transforming tacit knowledge into actionable insights, we empower companies to achieve more effective GenAI adoption and create more efficient workflows.

Our approach harnesses the synergy between human wisdom and artificial intelligence, ensuring that 3 out of 4 users fully adopt GenAI into their daily workflows, compared to traditional systems where 3 out of 4 users quit. This strategic integration not only enhances productivity but also fosters sustainable knowledge sharing within organizations, preparing them for the future of human-AI collaboration.


The Last Mile Problem is a significant barrier to effective GenAI adoption,  but it can be overcome with the right strategies. By integrating human expertise, capturing tacit knowledge, and maintaining continuous feedback loops, companies can enhance the performance of their GenAI tools and unlock their full potential.

Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we explore the importance of tacit knowledge in AI workflows.

By focusing on these strategies and understanding the Last Mile Problem, your team can fully leverage the power of GenAI, achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness in your workflows.


The Hidden Costs of Poor GenAI Adoption: What’s It Really Costing Your Business?


The Importance of Tacit Knowledge in AI Workflows